Saturday, July 10, 2010

The weaker sex? Really??

Whats the story with this phrase? Seriously?? Whoever coined this ridiculous epithet was either stoned or had the IQ of an earthworm. Agreed, I've got just about a few months of marriage under my belt. But I've had my fair share of female acquaintance. And I have enough evidence to prove that men are really the weaker sex.

    Lets hack this down methodically; what's strong and what's weak? When we say "weaker sex", are we referring to biological weakness? Heck no. I've hardly ever seen my wife sniffling on a cold. She's built to last. I, on the other hand have had every form of allergy you can think of. I've had parthenium/dust/smoke sneezing bouts, insect wings getting caught in my cornea (no kidding!!), butt pain from running and what not. I'm not just basing this on my wife, I've observed a few other women I know (yes honey, on a purely platonic non-pervert non-attraction basis) and they're just totally sickness impervious! There's even been a study that establishes that male fetuses have a smaller chance of survival compared to female ones. Lets face it guys, we might be able to pump up the muscle and blow up our chests, but a pin prick is more likely going to make us flinch than most women we know. And lets see ourselves delivering a baby and living to tell the tale.

    Maybe emotional/mental weakness? Maybe in intelligence? Are you kidding me?? They could run circles around us all frigging day, and we'd have no idea. If you've seen this movie called "The Big Fat Greek Wedding" (yeah, a chick flick I watched with You Know Who), there's a pretty interesting dialogue which still resonates in my ears. "Let me tell you something, Toula. The man is the head, but the woman is the neck. And she can turn the head any way she wants."  We would be puppets in their hands if they wish to be the puppeteers. Its a miracle that either most women do not want to be puppeteers by choice or do not realize the power they have over men. Don't get me wrong, I'm not implying women are manipulative. Well at the workplace, some of them are, but hey, they're just giving us what we want and taking what they want! You know, a smile here, a bending down to pick up a pen there and so on..nothing wrong in taking advantage of the pig-like ways of men. Now the lesser the said here, the better, lets just move on. What other manifestation of weakness is our ignorant male brain conjuring up?

    Thinking of it, its all just social. Right from when we're kids, girls are encouraged to learn how to dance, paint and other delicate looking art forms. We do not pause to appreciate their capability and dexterity, but deem such forms to be "fit for women" due to the whole delicate thingy. Young girls are taught to "dress appropriately", talk in a politically correct manner and have oodles of patience. And "boys will just be boys". It is there ladies and gentlemen, where the whole notion of "weaker sex" stems from. Its just what we are conditioned to socially! And I suggest we men give it a thought, and acknowledge the equality if we ever want to have a chance of fighting back..erm...I peacefully. ;-)

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