I've been mulling over this for a few days, maybe even more. There's not too many things in the world that can bring emotions to a boil in me, but my motorcycle is definitely one of them. The insane thought of selling my motorcycle would have never occurred to me under normal circumstances, in fact, it's kind of heart rending even to write about it. But it did happen, and I did sell my soul. Wise men do say it's "healthy" to let the story pour, so all inertia and laziness aside, here goes.
The story of my C5 in turquoise green began way back in 2009. Around the time when it was imminent that I was to return to India, Royal Enfield made a big announcement, they were going to assault the Indian public with a "Classic" range of motorcycles. I started scoring the internet for details on almost a daily basis back then. Once the official webpage opened, the image was of a turquoise green Classic 500, and my heart was sold instantly.
Because a vision softly creeping... |