Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Congos and others

What in the name of Zeus is 'Congos'? Who invented this word, and what were they thinking? This is one word in the vocabulary of the diaspora that makes my blood boil whenever i see/hear it. Chants of 'Congos buddy' on Facebook puts me in serious risk of pulmonary hypertension. I've always hated all the words in the SMS lingo, without any discrimination. 'Kewl' increases my systolic blood pressure as much as 'Dog! ow u diing?'. Excessive usage of 'lol' does an Incredible Hulk to me. You wouldn't like me when I am angry. But 'Congos', now that's a totally different ball game. I tend to bench press a good 20 pounds extra when I think about it. As Jules from Pulp Fiction would say..I shall strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison my brothers with such parlance...

1 comment:

  1. true..btw congos nowadays really paapular among "indians" in india too!!!as fr lol, all i can say is "lol"!!! :P
